
What does the word loss mean to you?

What thoughts enter your mind upon hearing this word?

Many think weight-loss, losing an object or thing, misplacing something.

When I use this word; I am using it in a totally different way. I am talking about general loss.

General loss??

Loss is not just the loss of a person through death, but can mean loss of health, loss of a romantic relationship, loss of a job, loss of finances, loss of a home through fire, flood, foreclosure…and more.

Most people in the helping profession world link the word loss with death. As one who is a trained social worker for 23 years; a former therapist with youth and families, case manager with adults diagnosed with severe mental health issues, and a case manager who worked with elders/seniors for 20 years; I have been around quite a bit of loss, but experienced much myself also. I get it…

My area, my passion, my mission, is to assist individuals in their journey through loss and grief.

Every loss has grief accompanying it whether the person acknowledges it or not. Grief brings up a lot of emotions and feelings including anger, sadness, distrust, loneliness, isolation and feelings of betrayal and shock.

Our current times limit face to face interactions unless properly social distanced and wearing masks, so this leads to virtual meetings and sessions. 1:1, group sessions, mastermind meetings on the topic, peer support groups, webinars, trainings for professionals and courses.

Books and articles also are an option with a Facebook support group, LinkedIn group and using other social media avenues.

My desire and plan is eventually to do all of the above over the next year.

My co-author and good friend Julie Saeger Nierenberg and I have 2 books at the publisher and we are patiently awaiting the proofs to review!

We published a book in July 2017; Journey’s End: Death, Dying, and the End of Life. As an almost 600 page book we have divided it into two, updated it and are aiming for a Winter 2021/Spring 2021 publication…

Quite a bit has changed in the world in just over 3 years including with Julie and myself as well, but that is life and whether we like it or not, are prepared for it or not…life is a journey.

Photo taken on one of my walks…